
— Performance Coach

Performance Coach

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Nick Del Bianco

FROM: Langley, British Columbia
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts - Sports and Leisure Management Degree from Trinity Western University
CERTIFICATIONS: ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist, HCI Certified Health Coach, FMS Level 2, ViPR Pro Level 1, Oxygen Advantage Instructor, Sleep Coach, DNS Level 1, ELDOA Level 1, Mobility Specialist, DTS Back Specialist, IOM 4Q Cross Training Specialist, IOM Recovery Specialist, IOM Metabolism Conditioning Specialist, Former Professional and Canadian National Team Volleyball Player
EXPERIENCE: I work with athletes from high school to the professional level as well as clients who have some level of pain or discomfort and are looking to move without pain. I’ve worked with clients that have had hip surgery, back surgery, have been in car accidents, or have chronic pain somewhere in their body and yet the approach I take doesn’t change when I see a professional athlete right after. I identify their baseline, expose where the weak links are, and then start working on strengthening the weak links so we can then build on a really strong foundation. I also work as the Holistic Performance Coach for Trinity Western University Men’s Volleyball Team, Keyano Huskies Men’s Volleyball Team, and Volleyball BC Men’s and Women’s provincial teams. My previous profession had me playing professional volleyball overseas in Germany, France, Switzerland and India.
TRAINING PHILOSOPHY: I believe in bringing a holistic lens into the training environment. I assess how my clients move, how much variability they have in their training, and what lifestyle habits may be impacting their progress. Once I have a comprehensive picture of what is going on I attempt to strengthen the “weakest links” which are areas where either movement, variability or lifestyle don’t match up with the goals. The holistic lens gives me a unique ability to see what others may not have and better identify how to get my clients moving towards their goals with fewer barriers along the way.
FAVOURITE POST WORKOUT MEAL: Recovery smoothie: almond milk, dates, spinach, peanut butter, cocoa powder, banana, protein powder
OTHER HOBBIES: I love getting into the outdoors, going camping, hiking, or relaxing by a lake or ocean. Also, travelling has been a big part of my life and exploration of new places has now become a hobby.


— You’ve got your personal goals. Our goal is helping you achieve them.

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