
— Performance Coach

Performance Coach

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Luke May

FROM: England
CERTIFICATIONS: CSEP-CPT, Recovery Specialist (IOM), Metabolic Conditioning Specialist (IOM)
EXPERIENCE: I started working out in 6th grade with my athletic director to improve my sports performance. From that point, my interest in working out never ceased. I always continued learning and improving and became the go-to guy when anyone had any questions to do with anything fitness. I then went on to university and studied sports science for 2 years. Then moved to Canada to get married and ended up getting a training diploma at NAIT. From there, I worked in numerous facilities and finally ended up here, where high performance living is at its peak!
TRAINING PHILOSOPHY: “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”- Socrates
FAVOURITE POST WORKOUT MEAL: 8 eggs with avocado and cheese, and a tall glass of milk
OTHER HOBBIES: I love travelling. I will travel and experience different cultures as often as possible. I truly believe that if money is spent on building experience and memories, it is money well-spent!


— You’ve got your personal goals. Our goal is helping you achieve them.

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